When to Water Plants? The Best Time to Water is………


All plants, even the so-called drought-resistant varieties need water. The difference lies in the amount of water that each plant variety needs in order to grow healthy and produce high yields. So, what is the best time to water an indoor or an outdoor garden? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on the specific conditions and location of your garden.

How to Get Rid of Ants


How to Get Rid of Ants. Just like almost everyone else in the world, at one point or another, we have had to deal with ants. And the first thing I think is what do I have to do to get rid of them asap?  They are one of the hardest working and strongest creatures in the world. They are self-disciplined, systematic and persistent. That is why ants invading your beautiful garden are such a nuisance! Behaving like intelligent brutes, these ants live in colonized societies. They live in nests, under cracks, and pavement, or in this case, they form their nests under trees and plants.