Plant Problems

Why does my grass have different shades of green?

Why does my grass have different shades of green?
Is your lawn showing different shades of green despite being laid out at the same time? Many folks attribute dark green grass to signs of good health and feeding, but when it turns lighter or pale, the alarm bells go off. If your lawn is each of both worlds, there are several reasons why this can happen. Read carefully as this article outlines several factors that might be afflicting your garden.

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When to Water Plants? The Best Time to Water is………

All plants, even the so-called drought-resistant varieties need water. The difference lies in the amount of water that each plant variety needs in order to grow healthy and produce high yields. So, what is the best time to water an indoor or an outdoor garden? The answer to this question varies greatly depending on the specific conditions and location of your garden.

When to Water Plants? The Best Time to Water is……… Read More »

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