Garden Design Trends


Garden Design Trends. We’re at the start of a new year and with it comes a new set of trends for your lawn and garden. Trends are influenced through innovation and efficiency. Experts are always experimenting and implementing lawn and garden ideas that better sustain structure while providing a cosmetically perfect landscape.

12 Ways to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

12 incredibly easy ways to prepare your garden for winter

12 Ways to Prepare Your Garden for Winter. The cold conditions associated winter months can devastate your garden plants. Shrubs and perennials can suffer and diseases may spread to annihilate your garden. Besides, you cannot give your best to the garden due to the chills and rains common during winter. Only by preparing adequately can you get your garden through winter so that it blossoms and looks better during spring. Here are 12 ways to prepare your garden for winter.

Fiskars Axe Review

Fiskars Axe Reviews

Fiskars Axe Reviews. When splitting wood, it is vital that you get the most out of the axe so that you’re using the least amount of energy to split the wood. Its an essential part of wood processing that makes wood splitting simpler and easier. It also allows the wood to season much quickly by enabling air to penetrate all sides of the wood. Few brands are more accomplished than Fiskars when it comes to the production of splitting axes. The following Fiskars axe review is a testament to the quality and performance of two excellent splitting axes and splitting mauls currently in the market.

How to Get Rid of Ants


How to Get Rid of Ants. Just like almost everyone else in the world, at one point or another, we have had to deal with ants. And the first thing I think is what do I have to do to get rid of them asap?  They are one of the hardest working and strongest creatures in the world. They are self-disciplined, systematic and persistent. That is why ants invading your beautiful garden are such a nuisance! Behaving like intelligent brutes, these ants live in colonized societies. They live in nests, under cracks, and pavement, or in this case, they form their nests under trees and plants.

Best Splitting Maul – Buyer’s Guide & Review


Best Splitting Maul – Buyer’s Guide & current Review. Chilly winter or cold nights in the jungle presents numerous health challenges. Even in our houses, it may not be enough to rely on HVAC. No wonder most homes have at least a fireplace. What about making fire in a campsite or during an emergency situation. The needs of fire are limitless. However, one this is sure: You will need to fuel it to burn steadily and continuously. The obvious fuel choice is wood. You will need constant supply of wood. At the center of it all is the best splitting maul.