Best time to plant vegetables


Planting vegetables is a fun and rewarding activity that can provide you with fresh produce right from your own garden as well as other health benefits. However, the timing of planting is critical to ensure that your vegetables grow well and produce a good harvest.

Best plants to attract hummingbirds


Hummingbirds are beautiful and fascinating creatures that many people enjoy attracting to their gardens. One way to attract hummingbirds is to plant flowers that produce nectar, which is their primary food source. Here are some of the best plants to attract hummingbirds.

Best plants to attract bees


Bees play an essential role in our ecosystem by pollinating plants, which in turn, will produce food for us and other animals. However, bee populations have been declining in recent years due to habitat loss, pesticides, and other factors. By planting the right types of plants in your garden, you can help to support the bee populations and promote biodiversity. Here are some of the best plants to attract bees.

How to make your own moss pole


Moss poles are a great way to support plants that like to climb or vine. They provide a natural-looking support system that also adds humidity to the air around your plants. Moss poles are often used for plants such as monsteras, pothos, and philodendrons, but can be used for any plant that needs support to grow upwards. Buying a moss pole can be expensive, but making your own is easy and cost-effective.

Best plants to use as a fence


Fences provide privacy, security, and aesthetic appeal to any property. However, traditional fencing materials such as wood, vinyl, and metal can be expensive and require maintenance. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative, plants make an excellent choice for natural fencing. We’ll discuss some of the best plants to use as fencing currently available.